If I had to say that my media project represented a particular social group, I would say that it represented government vigilantes, I say this because the main character is an activist who breaks into a government facility so he can steal a disk with the confidential information of millions of people on it.
The main character of our film is a government vigilante, to represent his character accurate we made sure that his face is never seen in the entire opening scenes, his body is always covered including his hands this brings and air of mystery to the character; another tool I used to represent him as a vigilante was his choice of vehicle which in this case is a motorcycle which means he is able to make quick getaways from places he shouldn't be such as government compounds.
As our story is based around a secure government facility we tried to represent it as accurate as possible by using certain props, an example of this is when the disk is stolen of a desk which has a black computer sitting on it, this makes the location look like an officials office.
The main theme that has been represented throughout my media project is activism and vigilantes, in my opinion we have done a good job representing this by using shady characters who's face you never see as well as a variety of locations and fast vehicles that are infamous with illegal activist activity.
One of the key goals during our project was to represent realism throughout the film, one of the ways we did this was by making a realistic pursuit scene on a motorcycle that was not jammed packed with unrealistic effects and dangerous driving. Another way we created realism was in the way we portrayed characters, our main character wore motorbike clothing while doing vigilante work and did not use any “specialist” tools. Overall I would say there was nothing unrealistic about our film.