Watching the film Memento allowed to look at the non-linear media editing. Watching the film also allows me to understand how directors such as Christopher Nolan captures the audiences attention and takes them on a journey that they will remember.
Memento is filmed in a non linear style, this means that there are two alternating scences in sequences, one set of the scenes is in black and white and other in colour. The two parts of the film come together at the end and suprises the audience with a twist.
The story is based around Lenoard Shelby who has a disesease which means he forgets all his recents memories such as sights, sounds and smells. The opening scene of the film is a man holding photograph in his hand in which the camera has zoomed into, he is quickly shaking the photo to make it develop, as the photo develops a man removes a glock pistol and shoots his victim, the film potrays this victim as some sort of enemy; After the killing is finished the scene rewinds and you then release that the picture was actually overdeveloping rather than developing, this really makes the audience think and lets them know that they are in for a serious thriller that will take thought and vigilance to keep up with.
On the opening scene of the film a narrated scene starts, Leonard is in the hotel room and he finds instructions to shave a part of his body and tatto vital information from the previous day onto it.
From reading various sources online it is clear that the director "Christopher Nolan" made great attempts to inc operate very basic special effects in the film to grip the audience. Lighting, sound effects, clever dialogue and mise on scene make it a fantastic film.